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西藏米拉山白桦种群生物量和生长量研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在区域样地调查基础上,通过解析木分析,比较了不同坡向、不同海拔的白桦种群生物量和生长量.结果表明,米拉山白桦种群的生产量约在363.1~2072.94kg·hm^-2·年^-1之间;各种群的现存生物量在7625.00-33167.00kg·hm^-2之间,种群间生物量差异显著.砍伐后的白桦萌生木、生物量和生长量均小于实生木。并且在生长过程中出现早衰的现象,表明人类活动的干扰对白桦种群有较大影响.米拉山东、西坡不同海拔生境条件下,水分地带性的变化对白桦各器官内的水分分配以及生物量组成没有显著影响.  相似文献   
A total of 401 nest samples of Formica lugubris Zetterstedt, F. pratensis Retzius, F. aquilonia Yarrow, F. rufa Linnaeus, and F. polyctena Förster, covering the entire Palaearctic range of these species and including 2100 individual workers, was phenotypically investigated by a system of standardized morphometry, pairwise removal of allometric variance, and canonical discriminant functions. A mitochondrial DNA fragment including the cytochrome b gene was sequenced in 148 samples from basically the same range. In the more difficult F. pratensis vs. F. lugubris case, the phenotypic system correctly determined 99.6% of all nest samples, and 95.1% with p<0.05. In all other pairwise species discriminations any nest sample was correctly determined with p<0.01, and three samples with hybrids F. rufa×lugubris were identified. At four localities in the Pyrenees and the Urals, 9 samples with F. pratensis phenotypes (7 of them ideal) but F. lugubris mtDNA haplotypes could be identified, resulting in 14.5% of phenotype/haplotype mismatches. A local dominance of this mismatch combination was observed at one Pyrenean and one Ural locality. There was no indication of an F. pratensis haplotype associated with an F. lugubris phenotype. One ideal F. polyctena phenotype was associated with an F. aquilonia haplotype in a sample from the Urals, and one ideal F. aquilonia phenotype was combined with an F. lugubris haplotype in a sample from central Siberia, resulting in overall phenotype/haplotype mismatch frequencies of 12.5% and 11.1%, respectively. We conclude that all these samples cannot represent actual F1 hybrids but are the result of hybridizations in the past followed by unidirectional purging of the nuclear genome. Whether this process of purging worked very fast or over longer periods of population history, and whether or not it was complete or incomplete, cannot be assessed from the available information. These facts of hybridizing in two thirds of the W Palaearctic wood ant species, of extreme regional hybrid frequencies (up to 26%), of unidirectional purging of nDNA associated with mismatching mtDNA haplotypes, and of occasional achievement of local dominance of these mismatch combinations, may serve as urgent warning not to perform isolated mtDNA phylogenetic studies without a geographically and locally wide sampling basis and without control by nDNA information or reliable phenotypic determination. The latter two systems definitely have superior significance when conflicts with mtDNA indications arise.  相似文献   
treegraph assists in producing complex ready‐to‐publish figures of phylogenetic trees. The TGF format used by the program automates formatting of several different statistical support value types (confidence estimates) per tree node. Moreover, internal text and graphical labels are automatically arranged at the nodes as are annotations for clades or groups of terminals. treegraph imports nexus trees and related file formats. Beyond common tree edit operations, simultaneous pruning of subtrees (simplification of the tree to higher order clades) and saving of subtrees is possible. treegraph exports to the standard vector graphics formats Scalable Vector Graphics and PostScript.  相似文献   
Aims Preserving and restoring Tamarix ramosissima is urgently required in the Tarim Basin, Northwest China. Using species distribution models to predict the biogeographical distribution of species is regularly used in conservation and other management activities. However, the uncertainty in the data and models inevitably reduces their prediction power. The major purpose of this study is to assess the impacts of predictor variables and species distribution models on simulating T. ramosissima distribution, to explore the relationships between predictor variables and species distribution models and to model the potential distribution of T. ramosissima in this basin.Methods Three models—the generalized linear model (GLM), classification and regression tree (CART) and Random Forests—were selected and were processed on the BIOMOD platform. The presence/absence data of T. ramosissima in the Tarim Basin, which were calculated from vegetation maps, were used as response variables. Climate, soil and digital elevation model (DEM) data variables were divided into four datasets and then used as predictors. The four datasets were (i) climate variables, (ii) soil, climate and DEM variables, (iii) principal component analysis (PCA)-based climate variables and (iv) PCA-based soil, climate and DEM variables.Important findings The results indicate that predictive variables for species distribution models should be chosen carefully, because too many predictors can reduce the prediction power. The effectiveness of using PCA to reduce the correlation among predictors and enhance the modelling power depends on the chosen predictor variables and models. Our results implied that it is better to reduce the correlating predictors before model processing. The Random Forests model was more precise than the GLM and CART models. The best model for T. ramosissima was the Random Forests model with climate predictors alone. Soil variables considered in this study could not significantly improve the model's prediction accuracy for T. ramosissima. The potential distribution area of T. ramosissima in the Tarim Basin is ~3.57 × 10 4 km 2, which has the potential to mitigate global warming and produce bioenergy through restoring T. ramosissima in the Tarim Basin.  相似文献   
长白山阔叶红松林凋落物组成及其季节动态   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
为了解群落尺度上凋落物组成及其时空变化,对长白山阔叶红松林25 hm2 样地内2008年度收集的凋落物进行统计分析.结果表明: 一年间,150个收集器内收集的凋落叶分属35种树木,占样地内胸径≥1 cm树种数(52种)的67.3%;凋落物总量为29.39 kg,折合3918.4 kg·hm-2,其中,阔叶、杂物、针叶和枝条凋落量分别占凋落物总量的61.7%、18.0%、11.7%和 8.6%;紫椴、水曲柳、蒙古栎、色木槭和春榆5个树种的叶凋落量占阔叶总凋落量的83.8%;不同树种的凋落量季节差异很大,61.9%的凋落物产生于9月13日至10月10日.其中,红松和紫椴叶凋落高峰出现在9月13-26日,蒙古栎、春榆和色木槭叶凋落高峰出现在9月27日-10月10日.收集器间凋落物量差异较大,其中68个收集器的年凋落量在150~200 g,1个收集器大于500 g;单个收集器全年最多可收集到18个树种的凋落叶,凋落叶种数为12种的收集器最多(32个).叶凋落量与样地内该树种的胸高断面积总和成正比.样地内凋落叶的分布存在明显的空间异质性,且收集器内凋落物的收集量与其所处的位置有关.  相似文献   
Species richness varies among clades, yet the drivers of diversification creating this variation remain poorly understood. While abiotic factors likely drive some of the variation in species richness, ecological interactions may also contribute. Here, we examine one class of potential contributors to species richness variation that is particularly poorly understood: mutualistic interactions. We aim to elucidate large‐scale patterns of diversification mediated by mutualistic interactions using a spatially explicit population‐based model. We focus on mutualistic Müllerian mimicry between conspicuous toxic prey species, where convergence in color patterns emerges from predators' learning process. To investigate the effects of Müllerian mimicry on species diversification, we assume that some speciation events stem from shifts in ecological niches, and can also be associated with shift in mimetic color pattern. Through the emergence of spatial mosaics of mimetic color patterns, Müllerian mimicry constrains the geographical distribution of species and allows different species occupying similar ecological niches to exist simultaneously in different regions. Müllerian mimicry and the resulting spatial segregation of mimetic color patterns thus generate more balanced phylogenetic trees and increase overall species diversity. Our study sheds light on complex effects of Müllerian mimicry on ecological, spatial, and phylogenetic diversification.  相似文献   
对福州市辖区内自1995年建成的36个居住区景观树木构成和物种多样性进行调查,并根据建成年代和相对城市环线位置进行分析。结果表明,36个居住区共有155种12 694株景观树木,隶属于42科和97属。在树种构成分析中,将树种按常见程度分为6个组,标志组有20种,共7560株,优势组、常见组、少见组、稀有组以及孤生组分别有17、19、49、38、12种和2383、1297、1269、173、12株。多样性分析表明,福州市居住区景观树木多样性与发达城市比较还存在差距,尤其是旧居住区的景观树木物种多样性更低,树种选择也更为单一。此外,取样居住区中部分安置房居住区的景观树种多样性低于同时期非安置房居住区。  相似文献   
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